
Sale Leaseback Application Form

Complete & Submit Online Sale Leaseback Application Form  Below or download form to print and return by mail.

This Application is needed for the CCIDA to consider a project for inducement. When completed, please mail the Sale Leaseback Application and the Full EAF Form, along with a check for $1,500.00 made payable to CCIDA to the following address:

County of Cattaraugus IDA
P.O. Box 1749
Ellicottville, New York 14731

Sale Leaseback Application Form

Sale Leaseback Transaction

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The answers to the questions contained in this application are necessary to determine your firm's eligibility for tax exemptions and other assistance from County of Cattaraugus Industrial Development Agency. These answers will also be used in the preparation of papers in this transaction. Accordingly, all questions should be answered accurately and completely by an officer or other employee of your firm who is thoroughly familiar with the business and affairs of your firm and who is also thoroughly familiar with the proposed project. This application is subject to acceptance by the Agency.


I. Application Submission and Application Fees

The following directions will assist you (the “Applicant”) in completing this application for Financial Assistance (the “Application”). Please note that all applications will be subject to approval of the County of Cattaraugus Industrial Development Agency (the “Agency”) and that no Financial Assistance can be provided, including a sales tax exemption on purchases made prior to Agency approval, until your application has been so approved and after a Financial Assistance agreement with the Agency has been executed.

If your project involves the relocation of a facility within Cattaraugus County, the abandonment of an existing facility, involves a tenant that is abandoning an existing facility, or is retail in nature, additional documentation is required. Please contact an Agency business development specialist as soon as possible.

Upon review of the application, the Agency may find it necessary to request additional information. Should additional information be required, the Agency will not consider the request for assistance until all such additional information is received in its entirety.

All projects receiving a benefit greater than $100,000 are required to have a public hearing inclusive of a ten (10) day notice before any approval can be granted by the Agency. The Agency will charge an administrative fee of 1.0625% of the project amount. Upon project approval, an Administrative Fee Agreement must be entered into. The Agency’s legal fees are in addition to the administrative fees noted.

A non-refundable $1,500.00 application processing and publication fee is due upon submission of your application.

As required by statute, applicants receiving Financial Assistance will be subject to the Agency’s Policy Respecting Recapture of Agency Benefits (the “Recapture Policy”). The Recapture Policy provides for a partial or full recapture and/or termination or modification of state and local sales tax, mortgage recording tax, and/or real property tax abatement benefits upon a determination by the Agency that the Company has failed to meet and/or maintain the thresholds and requirements representing certain material terms and conditions required by the Agency. The Recapture Policy is located on the Agency’s webpage.

II. Application Component Parts and Exhibits

The following items are included in the Application package. These are required documents that must be completed and submitted to the Agency in order for your Application to be considered. Please make every effort to provide all of the information as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in your project not being considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Agency.

  1. Section I & II - Eligibility Questionnaire: This form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the ECIDA prior to beginning the public hearing process.
  2. Section III – Single -Multi Tenant Facility: Only complete if applicable.
  3. Section IV- Retail Questionnaire: To ensure compliance with the provisions of Section 862 of the New York General Municipal Law, the Agency has prepared certain questions withinthis section of the Application with respect to those projects where customers personally visit the Project site to make a retail sale transaction or obtain a service. Complete only if applicable.
  4. Section V. Inter-Municipal Move Determination. Only complete if applicable.
  5. Section VI. Estimate of Real Property Tax Abatements: This section of the Application will be completed by Agency staff, and inserted as a component part of the Application.
  6. Attachment A. Representations, Certifications and Indemnification Form: This form requires an original signature, must be notarized, and must be submitted with the completed Application form.
  7. Attachment B. Insurance Specifications. The Agency’s insurance requirements, as amended from time to time, are contained herein. Note that insurance is to be provided after Agency approval and prior to the provision of Agency Financial Assistance, and shall be maintained during the term of any applicable Agent Agreement and/or Lease Agreement by and between the Agency and the Applicant. Please provide these requirements to your insurance agent to facilitate satisfaction of these requirements.
  8. Attachment C. Agency Counsel Fee. The company will be required to pay for CCIDA general/transaction counsel fees and/or bond counsel fees also as a condition of providing Financial Assistance.

Submission and Acceptance of the Application for Financial Assistance

The Agency’s acceptance of this Application for consideration does not constitute a commitment on the part of the Agency to undertake the proposed Project, to grant any Financial Assistance with respect to the proposed Project or to enter into any negotiations with respect to the proposed Project.

Information provided herein may be subject to disclosure under the New York Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL”). If the Applicant believes that a portion of the Application or materials submitted in support of the Application is protected from disclosure under FOIL, the Applicant should mark the applicable sections(s) or pages(s) as “confidential” and state the applicable exception to disclosure under FOIL.

I. Eligibility Questionnaire - Applicant Background Information

A) Project Location

B) Project Description

C) Site Characteristics

D) Project Type

E) Overall Project Costs

F) Job Retention and Job Creation

III. Part A: Facility Type - Multi-Tenant Determination

B) Multi-Tenant Facility (to be filled out by developer):

Part B: Tenant Form

IV. Retail Questionnaire

V. Inter-Municipal Move Determination

VI. Estimate of Real Property Tax Abatement Benefits*** and Percentage of Project Costs financed from Public Sector sources

Attachment A: Representations, Certifications and Indemnification


The above name CEO or Authorized representative of the Applicant confirms that he/she has read the foregoing Application and knows the contents thereof, and hereby represents, understands, and otherwise agrees with the
Agency and as follows:

A. Job Listings: In accordance with Section 858-b(2) of the New York General Municipal Law, the Applicant understands and agrees that, if the Project receives any Financial Assistance from the Agency, except as otherwise provided by collective bargaining agreements, new employment opportunities created as a result of the Project will be listed with the New York State Department of Labor Community Services Division (the “DOL”) and with the administrative entity (collectively with the DOL, the “JTPA Entities”) of the service delivery area created by the federal job training partnership act (Public Law 97-300) (“JTPA”) in which the Project is located.

B. First Consideration for Employment: In accordance with Section 858-b(2) of the New York General Municipal Law, the Applicant understands and agrees that, if the Project receives any Financial Assistance from the Agency, except as otherwise provided by collective bargaining agreements, where practicable, the Applicant will first consider persons eligible to participate in JTPA programs who shall be referred by the JTPA Entities for new employment opportunities created as a result of the Project.

C. Annual Sales Tax Filings: In accordance with Section 874(8) of the New York General Municipal Law, the Applicant understands and agrees that, if the Project receives any sales tax exemptions as part of the Financial Assistance from the Agency, in accordance with Section 874(8) of the General Municipal Law, the Applicant agrees to file, or cause to be filed, with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, the annual form prescribed by the Department of Taxation and Finance, describing the value of all sales tax exemptions claimed by the Applicant and all consultants or subcontractors retained by the Applicant. Copies of all filings shall be provided to the Agency.

D. Employment Reports: The Applicant understands and agrees that, if the Project receives any Financial Assistance from the Agency, the Applicant agrees to file, or cause to be filed, with the Agency, at least annually or as otherwise required by the Agency, reports regarding the number of people employed at the project site, salary levels, contractor utilization and such other information (collectively, “Employment Reports”) that may be required from time to time on such appropriate forms as designated by the Agency. Failure to provide Employment Reports within 30 days of an Agency request shall be an Event of Default under the PILOT Agreement between the Agency and Applicant and, if applicable, an Event of Default under the Agent Agreement between the Agency and Applicant. In addition, a Notice of Failure to provide the Agency with an Employment Report may be reported to Agency board members, said report being an agenda item subject to the Open Meetings Law.

E. The Applicant acknowledges that certain environmental representations will be required at closing. The Applicant shall provide with this Representation, Certification and Indemnification Form copies of any known environmental reports, including any existing Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report(s) and/or Phase II Environmental Investigations. The Agency may require the Company and/or owner of the premises to prepare and submit an environmental assessment and audit report, including but not necessarily limited to, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report and a Phase II Environmental Investigation, with respect to the Premises at the sole cost and expense of the owner and/or the Applicant. All environmental assessment and audit reports shall be completed in accordance with ASTM Standard Practice E1527-05 and shall be conformed over to the Agency so that the Agency is authorized to use and rely on the reports. The Agency, however, does not adopt, ratify, confirm or assume any representation made within reports required herein.

F. The Applicant and/or the owner, and their successors and assigns, hereby release, defend and indemnify the Agency from any and all suits, causes of action, litigations, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties, claims, demands, judgments, costs, disbursements, fees or expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, attorneys’, consultants’ and experts’ fees) which may at any time be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted or awarded against the Agency, resulting from or arising out of any inquiries and/or environmental assessments, investigations and audits performed on behalf of the Applicant and/or the owner pursuant hereto, including the scope, level of detail, contents or accuracy of any environmental assessment, audit, inspection or investigation report completed hereunder and/or the selection of the environmental consultant, engineer or other qualified person to perform such assessments, investigations, and audits.

G. Hold Harmless Provision: The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Applicant shall be and is responsible for all costs of the Agency incurred in connection with any actions required to be taken by the Agency in furtherance of the Application including the Agency’s costs of general counsel and/or the Agency’s bond/transaction counsel whether or not the Application, the proposed Project it describes, the attendant negotiations, or the issue of bonds or other transaction or agreement are ultimately ever carried to successful conclusion and agrees that the Agency shall not be liable for and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Agency harmless from and against any and all liability arising from or expense incurred by: (i) the Agency's examination and processing of, and action pursuant to or upon, the Application, regardless of whether or not the Application or the proposed Project described herein or the tax exemptions and other assistance requested herein are favorably acted upon by the Agency; (ii) the Agency's acquisition, construction and/or installation of the proposed Project described herein; and (iii) any further action taken by the Agency with respect to the proposed Project including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all causes of action and attorney's fees and any other expenses incurred in defending any suits or actions which may arise as a result of any of the foregoing. Applicant hereby understands and agrees, in accordance with Section 875(3) of the New York General Municipal Law and the policies of the Agency that any New York State and local sales and use tax exemption claimed by the Applicant and approved by the Agency, any mortgage recording tax exemption claimed by the Applicant and approved by the Agency, and/or any real property tax abatement claimed by the Applicant and approved by the Agency, in connection with the Project, may be subject to recapture and/or termination by the Agency under such terms and conditions as will be established by the Agency and set forth in transaction documents to be entered into by and between the Agency and the Applicant. The Applicant further represents and warrants that the information contained in this Application, including without limitation information regarding the amount of the New York State and local sales and use tax exemption benefit, the amount of the mortgage recording tax exemption benefit, and the amount of the real property tax abatement, if and as applicable, to the best of the Applicant’s knowledge, is true, accurate and complete.

H. This obligation includes an obligation to submit an Agency Fee Payment to the Agency in accordance with the Agency Fee policy effective as of the date of this Application

I. By executing and submitting this Application, the Applicant covenants and agrees to pay the following fees to the Agency:
(i) a non-refundable $1,500.00 application processing and publication fee (the “Application Fee”) at time of application submission payable CCIDA;
(ii) Unless otherwise agreed to by the Agency, an amount equal to one and one quarter percent (1.0625%) of the total project costs, at the time of issuance of Financial Assistance/closing;
(iii) All fees, costs and expenses incurred by the Agency for (1) legal services, including but not limited to those provided by the Agency’s general counsel and/or the Agency’s bond/transaction counsel, thus note that the Applicant is entitled to receive a written estimate of fees and costs of the Agency’s general counsel and the Agency’s bond/transaction counsel; and (2) other consultants retained by the Agency in connection with the proposed project, with all such charges to be paid by the Applicant at the closing.

J. If the Applicant fails to conclude or consummate the necessary negotiations, or fails, within a reasonable or specified period of time, to take reasonable proper or requested action, or withdraws, abandons, cancels, or neglects the Application, or if the Applicant is unable to find buyers willing to purchase the bond issue requested, or if the Applicant is unable to facilitate the sale/leaseback or lease/leaseback transaction, then, upon the presentation of an invoice, Applicant shall pay to the Agency, its agents, or assigns all actual costs incurred by the Agency in furtherance of the Application, up to that date and time, including but not necessarily limited to, fees of the Agency’s general counsel and/or the Agency’s bond/transaction counsel.

K. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that all payment liabilities to the Agency and the Agency’s general counsel and/or the Agency’s bond and/or transaction counsel as expressed in Sections H and I are obligations that are not dependent on final documentation of the transaction contemplated by this Application.

L. The cost incurred by the Agency and paid by the Applicant, the Agency’s general counsel and/or bond/transaction counsel fees and the processing fees, may be considered as a cost of the Project and included in the financing of costs of the proposed Project, except as limited by the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code with respect to tax-exempt bond financing.

M. The Applicant acknowledges that the Agency is subject to New York State’s Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). Applicant understands that all Project information and records related to this application are potentially subject to disclosure under FOIL subject to limited statutory exclusions.

N. The Applicant has read and understands the Agency’s Policy Respecting Recapture of Agency Benefits (the “Recapture Policy”). The Applicant covenants and agrees that it fully understands that the Recapture Policy is applicable to the Project that is the subject of this Application, and that the Agency will implement the Recapture Policy if and when it is so required to do so. The Applicant further covenants and agrees that its Project is potentially subject to termination of Agency financial assistance and/or recapture or modification of Agency financial assistance so provided and/or previously granted.

O. The Applicant understands and agrees that the provisions of Section 862(1) of the New York General Municipal Law, as provided below, will not be violated if Financial Assistance is provided for the proposed Project:
§ 862. Restrictions on funds of the agency. (1) No funds of the agency shall be used in respect of any project if the completion thereof would result in the removal of an industrial or manufacturing plant of the project occupant from one area of the state to another area of the state or in the abandonment of one or more plants or facilities of the project occupant located within the state, provided, however, that neither restriction shall apply if the agency shall determine on the basis of the application before it that the project is reasonably necessary to discourage the project occupant from removing such other plant or facility to a location outside the state or is reasonably necessary to preserve the competitive position of the project occupant in its respective industry.

P. The Applicant confirms and acknowledges that the owner, occupant, or operator receiving Financial Assistance for the proposed Project is in substantial compliance with applicable local, state and federal tax, worker protection and environmental laws, rules and regulations.

Q. The Applicant confirms and acknowledges that the submission of any knowingly false or knowingly misleading information may lead to the immediate termination of any Financial Assistance and the reimbursement of an amount equal to all or part of any tax exemption claimed by reason of the Agency’s involvement the Project.

R. The Applicant confirms and hereby acknowledges that as of the date of this Application, the Applicant is in substantial compliance with all provisions of Article 18-A of the New York General Municipal Law, including, but not limited to, the provision of Section 859-a and Section 862(1) of the New York General Municipal Law.

S. The Applicant and the individual executing this Application on behalf of Applicant acknowledge that the Agency and its counsel will rely on the representations and covenants made in this Application when acting hereon and hereby represents that the statements made herein do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact and do not omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements contained herein not misleading.

If you an any questions with regards to what application is to be filled out and submitted for your proposed project, please feel free contact our office at 716-699-2005, as we will be happy to assist you.

The Applications listed above along with the N.Y. State Environmental Assessment Forms (SEQR) forms are designed to be filled in on your computer, printed on your printer, signed and mailed/e-mailed to our offices.

Please Note: All applications are to be submitted to our office NO LATER than seven (7) business days prior to the next Board of Director’s Meeting. Please see the Meeting schedule that is located on our website for meetings, dates and times. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office directly at 716-699-2005. Thank you.

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